A monthly culinary salon
On the first Tuesday of every month, The Depanneur invites a local food personality to talk about something that interests them. Table Talks take place around the dinner table while Dep founder Len Senater prepares a dinner inspired by the topic of the day. Conviviality and building community through shared food experiences is very much at the heart of what The Dep is all about, and we invite you to be a part of it.
Table Talks cost $25, which includes the talk and dinner. Menus are posted in advance, and vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options are available. Desserts and beverages are available for sale.
Doors open at 6pm, the talk starts at 7pm and goes for +/- 1 hour, and we wrap up between 8:30-9pm.
In 2018, The Dep’s Table Talks are presented in partnership with Artery.
Every space is a stage. Artery lets anyone bring creative experiences to life, in places you may not expect.
Upcoming Table Talks at The Dep
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