FEATURED ARTICLES | Newcomer Kitchen
Cook for Syria by Slow Food Toronto and Newcomer Kitchen | Dec 10
Slow Food Toronto is proud to announce that we are partnering with The Depanneur and Newcomer Kitchen to host an event in celebration of Syrian food.
People In Toronto Are Lining Up For Brunch At A Pop-Up Restaurant Run By Syrian Refugees | SAVEUR
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The hottest new brunch in Toronto doesn’t come from a Michelin-starred restaurant, and it doesn’t feature a trendy pastry mashup. It’s a pop-up staffed by Syrian refugees.
Newcomer Kitchen : intégrer les réfugiés syriens, un repas à la fois | CBC Radio-Canada
Le Newcomer Kitchen est une initiative torontoise qui facilite l'intégration des réfugiés syriens par le biais de la nourriture. Malgré les succès du projet, les organisateurs peinent à rendre le projet autosuffisant.
Cooking Can Be Both An Intimate And Communal Experience | RNR DOCS
Cooking Can Be Both An Intimate And Communal Experience
Syrian roundtable with Justin Trudeau at The Depanneur | CBC
For the one-year anniversary of the Syrian settlement, CBC…
Perspective with Alison Smith | CPAC
Perspective this week looks at how Syrian refugees have managed in the year since they came to Canada and what it is like now on the ground in Aleppo.
Canada : bienvenue aux réfugiés | Arte (France)
Alors que l’Europe, confrontée à une crise migratoire sans…
Newcomer Kitchen expands with a new Syrian pop-up brunch, prepared by refugees | NOW Magazine
After the success of The Depanneur's weekly dinners, Mirvish…
Syrian refugees build community with cooking | THIS Magazine
Behind the scenes at the Newcomer Kitchen and Karam Kitchen…
Toronto’s Newcomer Kitchen helps Syrian refugees adjust, share culture — Free Speech Radio News
by Tanya Castle Asma Al Hariri chops zucchini in a downtown…
Newcomer Kitchen + Jessica Allen on The Social | CTV
Jessica Allen visits Newcomer Kitchen for CTV's The Social. Watch…
Newcomer Kitchen on CBC Cross Country Checkup with Duncan McCue
Many Syrian refugees fled to Canada in the hope of a better…